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Living History
Previous Events


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Ongoing & Upcoming Events 

  • Monday, May 31          Memorial Day Observance

    A tradition since 1968, the Battleship, the State's World War 11 memorial, holds a Memorial Day Observance onboard remembering those who gave their lives in service as well as honoring veterans. The service features the 2nd Marine Division Band, a high ranking military guest speaker, all-service color gurad, gun salute by Marines, taps and memorial wreath into the water.  FREE

  • June 21- 25         On the Home Front: A WWII Day Camp

    What was it like to live in the 1940s during World War 11?  Listen to wartime and swing music: learn about life aboard the Battleship; write a V-mall letter; and shop with ration cards. This day camp is a joint venture with the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. Attendance is limited and children must have completed grades 4 or 5.
    Reservations required. $50 per person; $45 for Charlie's Shipmates, Friends of the Battleship members, or NC Museum of History Associates.

  • Saturday, June 26          Battleship Luau: Liberty in Pearl Harbor

    Get out that Hawaiian print shirt and be prepared to limbo! Remember the service men and women in the South Pacific during World War 11 enjoying liberty in Pearl Harbor by experiencing the native culture of Hawaii! Come see the Samoan Spectacular Hula Show, an exciting performance by a group of native dancers. Enjoy a luau feast, beverages and dance to top tunes spun by a DJ. Fee.

  • Saturday, July 4          Battleship Blast: A Fireworks Extravaganza

    Wilmington and New Hanover County cosponsor this ever-popular annual event. Fireworks ignited from Battleship grounds explode high above the Cape Fear River. Park and view from downtown Wilmington only. Free

  • July week of 19 or 26          Teacher Workshop

    The Battleship will offer a 2-day workshop to 8th and 11th grade teachers on the Depression and World War II. Based on a workshop conducted at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. but utilizing Wilmington resources, including the trolley tour of WWII sites. Fee.

  • September 25-26          Annual Living History Weekend

    This fall men will once again sleep and work aboard the Battleship. Watch in delight as World War 11 living history interpreters bring the Ship to life. Ship visitors may watch the men going about their daily duties and drills. The contact for the event is Associate Curator Jeff Bockert. Free with Ship admission.

  • October 16        Charlie the Alligator's Be a Sailor Party

    Learn about daily life of sailors by being one! Children will enjoy working with teammates to face the challenges of life aboard ship such as climbing into a berth (bunk), going through a chow line, and holystoning decks. Our six-foot green fuzzy friendly mascot Charlie the Alligator overseas the fun, Organizations like the Marines, Coast Guard, and American Red Cross will provide activities on the grounds- Reservations Required. Fee.

  • November 11          Veteran's Day American Red Cross Blood Drive

    In honor of Veterans and the American Red Cross participation in World War II, the Battleship sponsors a blood drive, If a veteran or spouse donates blood, the couple receives free admission. This offer also applies to active military. Visitors to the Ship that give blood receive a 50% discount. Blood Drive 9am-2pm. Please call for reservations.

  • December 31           1999 Countdown an the Cape Fear Fireworks

    WECT-TV, WGNI, and McDonald's sponsor this ever-popular annual event. Fireworks ignited from Battleship grounds explode high above the Cape Fear River. Park and view from downtown Wilmington only. Free.



© 1999 The Battleship USS North Carolina Commission
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [].
Last updated: July 14, 1999.