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Coming Home

In 1960 the Navy announced its intention to scrap the famous battleship, and two famous natives of North Carolina, Hugh Morton and James S Craig, Jr., with the endorsement of then Governor Luther Hodges began a campaign to bring the ship to North Carolina and preserve her as a war memorial.

Thousands of citizens, and countless school children contributed money. $330,000 was raised to acquire the ship from the Navy and prepare a suitable berth. In September 1961 she was towed from New Jersey, and on October 2 she was moored in her present berth across the river from downtown Wilmington. On April 29, 1962 she was dedicated as a memorial to all the North Carolina men and women who served in the war, and in particular, to the more than 10,000 North Carolinians who gave their lives in the war.

© 1999 The Battleship USS North Carolina Commission
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Last updated: July 14, 1999.