ShipLogo.GIF (3987 bytes)

Ribbons.GIF (2031 bytes)



is_ships.GIF (2590 bytes)
zeros1.GIF (3304 bytes)






BAND-1.JPG (36334 bytes) Showboat Band      BAND-2.JPG (40067 bytes) The Brass Band

Baseball.jpg (39537 bytes) Baseball                      Bball.jpg (50531 bytes) Basketball

softball.jpg (35381 bytes)  Softball                 Box-1.jpg (44510 bytes) Boxing Team

BOX-2.JPG (26504 bytes) Boxing Match         Church.jpg (45838 bytes) Church

CAKE-1.JPG (31216 bytes) Birthday Cake        Checkers.JPG (29267 bytes) Checkers

Fishing.JPG (25621 bytes) Fishing                         Xmas43b.jpg (49284 bytes) Christmas 1943

© 1999 The Battleship USS North Carolina Commission
For problems or questions regarding this web contact [].
Last updated: July 12, 1999.