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Crew Reunion

April 7th thru 11th 1999

The 1999 reunion of the USS North Carolina Battleship Association was held April 7-11,1999 in Wilmington N C.  79 Former crewmen,and 17 Associate members, along with friends and
family attended for a total of 175.  INE Associate member Fred Simpson and his wife traveled from New Castle, England to attend.  While there we had our meetings and elected new Officers for the coming year.

The Azalea Festival was in full swing and we were a part of the celebrations.  Thursday 8 April we attended the Ceremony to Salute the US Armed Forces, many of the crewmen were in uniform and were recognized. Three Medal of Honor winners were honored guest.  We celebrated the ships 58th birthday on Friday in the Wardroom.  Kim Sincox curator and her staff were hosts.

We were asked to take part in the Azalea Parade on Saturday, several did, some in uniform.   We rode in a Army open truck and the people along the parade route gave us a warm welcome.
After the Parade there was much going on at the ship and many crewmen acted as tour guides.

Saturday evening at our banquet we had the swearing in of the new officers for the coming year(s).

Sunday, Rev. Everett Beaver a former crewman held Worship Service in the Ships Auditorium as the weather was threatening. It was followed by our Two Bell Memorial service honoring 45 Shipmates lost since 1997 Reunion.

So came to the end of another Reunion.

Bill Taylor Tarheel Editor

© 1999 The Battleship USS North Carolina Commission
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Last updated: July 14, 1999.